For More Information Regarding Our Children’s Learning Center Programs,Call Us Directly At(864) 582-2068
Welcome to Saint Paul United Methodist Church, where you'll find a loving community dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus Christ. We are so glad you're here and invite you to explore our faith journey with us. We sustain our works through meaningful worship, opportunities for discipleship and learning such as Bible study and Sunday School, and fellowship with one another through church wide meals, gatherings and small groups. It is our hope that we are always finding new and meaningful ways to connect with one another in Christian love. I believe that Saint Paul is a beloved community. We are a group of Christians, different in many ways, but who are striving to love alike. We invite you to join us as we share our talents, our time, and our love for one another: concern for the trials we all face, enduring the lows and celebrating the highs together, and making our Church a place to live life without pretense. You are always welcomed at Saint Paul.
For More Information Regarding Our Children’s Learning Center Programs,Call Us Directly At(864) 582-2068
Welcome to Saint Paul United Methodist Church, where you'll find a loving community dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus Christ. We are so glad you're here and invite you to explore our faith journey with us.
We sustain our works through meaningful worship, opportunities for discipleship and learning such as Bible study and Sunday School, and fellowship with one another through church wide meals, gatherings and small groups. It is our hope that we are always finding new and meaningful ways to connect with one another in Christian love. I believe that Saint Paul is a beloved community. We are a group of Christians, different in many ways, but who are striving to love alike. We invite you to join us as we share our talents, our time, and our love for one another: concern for the trials we all face, enduring the lows and celebrating the highs together, and making our Church a place to live life without pretense. You are always welcomed at Saint Paul.